OWL (Web Ontology Language)
- OWL is a knowledge representation language used to build ontologies
- OWL 2 is the latest version of the W3C standard
- Three types of entities (elements used to refer to real-world objects)
- Classes: They are used to group sets of individuals that have something in common among them.
Eg: Car, Student, Employee, Father, Mother
- Properties: They are the binary relations between the individuals.
Eg: hasDaughter, hasSpouse, worksFor
- Individuals: They are the instances or constants in the domain
Eg: mary (is a Woman), julie (is a Parent)
- All the entities are identified by using IRIs
Identifiers and Naming Conventions
- URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
- It is a mechanism to specify and locate a web resource on a computer network.
- Eg: http://, ftp://
- URN (Uniform Resource Name)
- They are persistent location independent identifiers that use the urn scheme.
- Eg: ISBN of a book is a URN used to identify a book uniquely
- URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)
- It is an identifier that can uniquely and unambiguously identify resources
- ASCII encoding is used in the identifiers
- URL and URN are type of URIs. URIs and URNs need not be resolvable to a location, which is the case with URL
- Eg: http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#
- IRI (International Resource Identifier)
- IRI is similar to URI except that the character set for encoding the identifier is Universal Character Set (UTF-8)
- Eg: é, ö could be used in IRI
Naming Conventions
- Class: They are written in upper camel case (or Pascal case) where every first letter in a compound word is capitalized
Eg: Father, Parent, MyBirthdayGuests
- Properties: They are written in lower camel case where every first letter in a compound word excluding the first word is capitalized
Eg: hasDaughter, hasAge
- Individuals: same as Properties
Eg: mary, john, julie
OWL Syntax
- Following syntaxes are supported by OWL
- Functional-Style syntax
- Manchester syntax
- We will follow the functional syntax since it is human friendly
- Declaration(Class(Person))
- Declaration(NamedIndividual(mary))
- ClassAssertion(Person mary)
- ClassAssertion(Women mary)
- ObjectPropertyAssertion(hasWife john mary)
- Axioms: Basic statements such as the above are called axioms of an OWL ontology
- Entities: Class, Properties, and Individuals
- Expression: combinations of entities to form complex descriptions from basic ones
- All these together capture the knowledge of a domain
Class Hierarchy
- SubClassOf(Woman Person)
- SubClassOf(Mother Woman)
- EquivalentClasses(Person Human)
- SubClassOf(Person Human)
- SubClassOf(Human Person)
- DisjointClasses(Mother Father)
Property Hierarchy
- SubPropertyOf(hasDaughter hasChild)
- SubPropertyOf(parentOf ancestorOf)
- DisjointProperties(parentOf childOf)
Object and Data Properties
- Object Property: One individual is related to another individual by a property
- Eg: ObjectPropertyAssertion(hasWife john mary)
- Data Property: A property relates an individual to a data value
- Eg: DataPropertyAssertion(hasAge john "51"^^xsd:integer)
Domain and Range of Properties
- Additional information about the properties can be provided using domain and range
- They are the "semantic link" between classes and properties
- Eg: ObjectPropertyDomain(hasOwner Vehicle)
- Eg: ObjectPropertyRange(hasOwner Person)
- Eg: DataPropertyDomain(hasAge Person)
- Eg: DataPropertyRange(hasAge xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
Two Assumptions
- As discussed in Description Logics, OWL follows the following two assumptions
- Open World Assumption
- No Unique Name Assumption
Logical Class Constructors
- Intersection of two classes consists of exactly those individuals which are instances of both the classes
- EquivalentClasses(Mother ObjectIntersectionOf(Woman Parent))
- Class Mother consists of exactly those instances that belong to both Woman and Parent
- union of two classes contains every individual which is contained in at least one of these classes
- EquivalentClasses(Parent ObjectUnionOf(Mother Father))
- DisjointClasses(Mother Father)
- Instance of Parent is either an instance of Mother or Father
- Complement of a class consists of exactly those individuals that are not members of the other class
- EquivalentClasses(ChildlessPerson ObjectIntersectionOf(Person ObjectComplementOf(Parent))
- Class constructors can be nested
- SubClassOf(Grandfather ObjectIntersectionOf(Man Parent))
- ClassAssertion(ObjectIntersectionOf(Person ObjectComplementOf(Parent)) Jack)
Logical Quantifiers
- A quantifier specifies the quantity of specimen from a domain of discourse over which a property acts on.
- Domain of discourse is the universe or the set of objects that we are interested in. Eg: Car, Person, Mother, Father
- Two quantifiers are of interest to us
- Existential quantifier ($\exists$)
- Universal quantifier ($\forall$)
Existential Quantifier
- There should exist at least one instance from the domain of discourse (class) that participates in the given relation/property
- Eg: Any Exam must have at least one Examiner
- SubClassOf(Exam ObjectSomeValuesFrom(hasExaminer Examiner))
- Eg: Parent is someone who has at least one child
- EquivalentClasses(Parent ObjectSomeValuesFrom(hasChild Person))
- Phrases such as "at least one", "for some" are used for this quantifier
Universal Quantifier
- A given property participates with all the instances of a particular domain of discourse (class)
- Eg: All Examiners of an Exam must be Professors
- SubClassOf(Exam ObjectAllValuesFrom(hasExaminer Professor))
- Corner case: Exams which have no Examiner are also covered by this quantifier
- "for all" is used for this quantifier
Universal Quantifier
- Eg: A happy person is someone who has a happy child
- EquivalentClasses(HappyPerson ObjectAllValuesFrom(hasChild HappyPerson))
- The above quantification indicates that a childless person can also be happy
- Intuitively, we want to say that in order to be happy, a person must have at least one happy child
- EquivalentClasses(HappyPerson ObjectIntersectionOf(ObjectAllValuesFrom(hasChild HappyPerson) ObjectSomeValuesFrom(hasChild HappyPerson)))
Cardinality restriction
Max cardinality
- John has at most 4 children
- ClassAssertion(ObjectMaxCardinality(4 hasChild Parent) John)
- This declares an upper bound on the number of children that John has
Min cardinality
- John has at least 2 children
- ClassAssertion(ObjectMinCardinality(2 hasChild Parent) John)
- This declares a lower bound on the number of children that John has
Exact cardinality
- John has exactly 3 children
- ClassAssertion(ObjectExactCardinality(3 hasChild Parent) John)
- This declares an exact number of children that John has
Enumeration of Individuals
- List all possible and the only members of a class
- EquivalentClasses(MyBirthdayGuests ObjectOneOf(Bill John Mary))
- Classes defined this way are called closed classes
- What if we add ClassAssertion(MyBirthdayGuests Jeff)?
- Jeff must be equal to one of the 3 defined instances
Property Characteristics
Inverse Property
- If one property can be obtained by inverting or changing the direction of the other then it is an inverse property
- InverseObjectProperties(hasParent hasChild)
- ObjectPropertyAssertion(hasParent A B)
- ObjectPropertyAssertion(hasChild B A)
Symmetric Property
- If a property and its inverse are the same then it is called a symmetric property
- SymmetricObjectProperty(hasSpouse)
- ObjectPropertyAssertion(hasSpouse A B)
- ObjectPropertyAssertion(hasSpouse B A)
Assymmetric Property
- It explicitly states that if A is connected to B through a certain property then B cannot be connected to A by the same property
- AsymmetricObjectProperty(hasChild)
Reflexive Property
- A reflexive property connects everything to itself
- ReflexiveObjectProperty(hasRelative)
- Everyone is related to himself/herself
Irreflexive Property
- If an individual cannot be connected to itself by the given property then such a property is irreflexive
- IrreflexiveObjectProperty(parentOf)
- Nobody can be one's own parent
Functional Property
- If a property connects A to B then there can be only one unique value for B
- FunctionalObjectProperty(hasHusband)
- ObjectPropertyAssertion(hasHusband Mary James)
- ObjectPropertyAssertion(hasHusband Mary Jim)
- Conclusion: Since hasHusband is functional, James and Jim should be the same
Inverse Functional Property
- If a property connects A to B then there can be only one unique value for A
- InverseFunctionalObjectProperty(hasHusband)
- An individual can be the husband of at most one another individual
Transitive Property
- A transitive property connects A with C if it connects A to B and B to C
- TransitiveObjectProperty(hasAncestor)
- Transitive properties can be used to connect whole-part relations
- TransitiveObjectProperty(subRegionOf)
Disjoint Property
- Two properties are disjoint if there are no two individuals that are connected by the two properties
- DisjointObjectProperties(hasParent hasSpouse)
- Parents and children cannot marry each other
Property Chains
- It is a generalization of transitive property
- Eg: SubObjectPropertyOf(ObjectPropertyChain(hasParent hasParent) hasGrandparent)
- Eg: If A hasParent B, and B hasParent C, then A hasGrandparent C
- Eg: SubObjectPropertyOf(ObjectPropertyChain(hasFather hasBrother) hasUncle)
OWL 2 Profiles
- An OWL 2 profile is a fragment or a sublanguage of OWL 2
- Each profile is a trimmed down version of OWL 2 that trades expressivity with efficiency of reasoning
- OWL 2 Full, OWL 2 DL, OWL 2 EL, OWL 2 QL, and OWL 2 RL
- OWL 2 DL
- $SROIQ(D)$ is the description logic behind OWL 2 DL
- Reasoning complexity is N2ExpTime
- OWL 2 Full
- OWL 2 DL + RDF(S)
- Undecidable
- OWL 2 EL, OWL 2 QL, OWL 2 RL are the tractable profiles of OWL 2
- OWL 2 EL
- $EL^{++}$ is the formal description logic underpinning for OWL 2 EL
- Useful in applications that contain very large number of classes and properties
- Large biomedical ontologies such as SNOMED CT is in OWL 2 EL
- OWL 2 QL
- The description logic underpinning for OWL 2 QL is DL-Lite
- Useful in applications that have large instance data
- Query answering is the most important reasoning task in this profile
- OWL 2 RL
- Useful for applications that require scalable reasoning
- OWL 2 RL is inspired by Description Logic Programs (DLP) and pD$^{*}$
- Rule-based reasoning techniques are used in this profile